inlayers Blog

To convey something against words

Presently I choose to work in live performance because I believe it is a medium with great affective, creative, intellectual, emotional, and reflective potentials. I have trouble with dance’s ability to only communicate one specific thing, but am continually surprised at its ability to communicate so many things at once. I go to see live performance because of its capacity to use bodies to speak about socio-political, intellectual, emotional, and epochal issues, which are always somehow closely related to the body.

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Dance brings me into the present moment and helps me feel connected mind, body and soul

So I am one of those dancers that has been dancing since the age of four (it’s really not as fancy as it sounds). As a little one, I was completely uncoordinated and had the attention span of a peanut. Dance class was an extra-curricular activity that my mom enrolled me in as a strategy to exert my creative energy in ballet rather than destroy her white carpets with all my crafty creations & materials – hot glue gun and sparkles included.

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inlayers episode 4

Taryn got on the floor and moved through a personal improv while the dancers watched and moved with her. They picked moments that they connected with and started building their own solo piece from it. Taryn also gives some insight into her process and how she thinks as a Choreographer.

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inlayers New Years Dance Off Party Photos

The inlayers New Years Dance Off was a lot of fun, and we’d like to thank everyone for coming and helping out.

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Dance feeds my soul and gives me hope.

Jenn Doan

Movement and performance creation has always been with me since a young age. I was really expressive with my creativity and always quite kinesthetic and physical. In Grade 6 I remember being inspired by a movie on tv so i decided to write up a whole play on my own time and performed it with a friend for the whole class. I would also always go the extra mile when we were asked to write book reports in Language arts class. I would create a whole performance instead of write a “report.” I also remember creating every kind of club possible like a cooking club, a sewing club, an animal club, a Fear Street club… Me and my friend would organize field trips and events for all our clubs.

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From the Filmmaker

My job during these 5 weeks of inlayers rehearsals is to basically be a fly on the wall, in a creative way, and to capture important moments that occur in the studio. After five rehearsals a lot of ground has been covered and although I had a pretty good idea of how I wanted to execute these videos before the process began, I am definitely learning as I go. Each rehearsal offers something different and inspires me in a different way. Having said that though, I am trying to keep a common aesthetic within the work. This is focussed on in the editing style and colour correction.

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Car doors and dance floors

Melina Stinson

Since I graduated from dance school 2.5 years ago, I have been very lucky to participate in many interesting projects. I haven’t had any prolonged breaks or times with nothing waiting for me around the next corner. More and more I can actually live/survive on the small pay from these dance contracts. Like most dancers, I also have a few part-time jobs (teaching yoga mostly) that help weave a thread of stability through the contractor life-style. This is all tickity-boo if life behaves, contracts keep appearing and nothing unexpected happens. We all know life doesn’t really work this way.

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why inlayers is asking for your donations

Jenn Doan

I am taking this opportunity to explain in more detail why it is that we need your help by contributing to this fundraising effort. For many people, even dance artists who have been in their profession for a long time, sometimes don’t understand how much it really costs to create and produce a dance project like inlayers.

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inlayers episode 3

Taryn asked the dancers to bring an object or two that represents their story. With these objects they took part in an epic 45 minute improvisation that allowed them all to get in contact with each other, allowing them to know each other and their stories on a deeper level.

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inlayers on Shaw TV Calgary

inlayers has been featured on the local television channel, Shaw TV Calgary.

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