Archive by Author

In the End… at the Core… Communication

Jenn Doan

After taking several weeks to let this whole project sit, digest, and give space and time for reflection. I came to learn one major thing (among many other little things of course)… Communication was at the core of inlayers and its success. There was communication that needed effective execution on 2 levels. The first was the communication with us artist with the online audience. The second is the communication that was needed between each and every person involved in creating inlayers.

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inlayers Adopt-a-Dancer Program

This is the final week before our final event in Calgary to present to the public the work we have been creating. This is also the final week to help the artists of inlayers with your generous support. We propose to you inlayers Adopt-a-Dancer Program. Equity, a national professional artists’ union for performing artists, suggest […]

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Dance feeds my soul and gives me hope.

Jenn Doan

Movement and performance creation has always been with me since a young age. I was really expressive with my creativity and always quite kinesthetic and physical. In Grade 6 I remember being inspired by a movie on tv so i decided to write up a whole play on my own time and performed it with a friend for the whole class. I would also always go the extra mile when we were asked to write book reports in Language arts class. I would create a whole performance instead of write a “report.” I also remember creating every kind of club possible like a cooking club, a sewing club, an animal club, a Fear Street club… Me and my friend would organize field trips and events for all our clubs.

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why inlayers is asking for your donations

Jenn Doan

I am taking this opportunity to explain in more detail why it is that we need your help by contributing to this fundraising effort. For many people, even dance artists who have been in their profession for a long time, sometimes don’t understand how much it really costs to create and produce a dance project like inlayers.

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late night, thoughts pouring, never a moment away…

Jenn Doan

How can I generate more revenue so all the artists will get paid for all their hard work? Though the fundraising events were successful on my levels, we did not raise the expected funds. So now I must strategize even more. No matter what money always comes down to the centre of everything. Without it, most things are not possible. This for me is a constant constant game in my head and as the producer of this project, I am largely responsible for this. If there is anything that brings me most stress and worry, this is it. It never leaves me.

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how does raw really feel?

Jenn Doan

In just three days, we have learned so much about each other that it is almost unreal. At the end of rehearsal we all decided to share THE personal story that every dancer wrote onto paper and gave to Taryn on the first day of rehearsal. This story was to be a specific time/incident/moment when we were completely consumed about something. We all had our stories and we all had more difficulty than not putting our selves onto the front lines and shared our most vulnerable side.

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As I prepare for this next challenge…

after all this time of envisioning something in my mind, talking about it, building it up into this major undertaking… I am just 2 weeks away for inlayers – deuxieme partie. This online interactive dance creation is a next step up for me as a producer and a dancer.

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