Tag Archives: Silver

Sponsor – Cafe Beano

It’s a given that any place in the running for the “Best Cafe” vote is going to serve up a good strong cup of joe. What sets Beano apart is the scene. At any time of day, this is where you’ll find Calgary’s most colorful crowd – blue-haired riot grrls adn their band-member boyfriend, smartly dressed elderly men with accents, beret-wearing beatniks, artists in paint-splattered pants, young things with sleeve tattoos and anyone else Starbucks wouldn’t have for a barista. This heady brew of humanity smunches shoulder-to-shoulder in the bright, L-shaped room that always smells like fresh-baked cookies, sipping potent black java and nursing giant lattes from white bowls. Beano’s been playing since 1990, and it’s not about to lose its edge anytime soon.

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