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how does raw really feel?

Jenn Doan

In just three days, we have learned so much about each other that it is almost unreal. At the end of rehearsal we all decided to share THE personal story that every dancer wrote onto paper and gave to Taryn on the first day of rehearsal. This story was to be a specific time/incident/moment when we were completely consumed about something. We all had our stories and we all had more difficulty than not putting our selves onto the front lines and shared our most vulnerable side.

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magic is happening….

Taryn Javier

describe your favourite moment from today’s rehearsal….and why you connected to it.

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Rehearsal 1: The beginnings of confronting what truly consumes you.…

Pamela Tzeng

Being consumed, whether it be by love-work-desires to succeed, we’ve all experienced it. From the surprisingly emotional first rehearsal we had last night, I’ve come to realize that the way we, I, have been looking at being consumed is somewhat superficial. Yes I’ve been engulfed and have lost balance in my life because of love (usually the infatuate kind) and obsession and desire to achieve, etc. But WHY? What was the root, the thing within myself that drew me in and made me loose my grounding?

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impromptu first rehearsal post….

Taryn Javier

the idea of consumption is bringing up the idea of WHY it is we ALLOW ourselves to be consumed….the dancers’ stories seem to point to what it is we are avoiding about ourselves. now it is more …WHY do we allow this consumption…? WHY do we distract ourselves?? the stories seem to reflect more personal questions than this unifying question of WHAT CONSUMES US? anyway….these are just my thoughts…

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what consumes us?

we are consumed by love. we are consumed by work. we are consumed by our efforts to succeed and do well.

now i will ask this…..think back to a time when you were consumed by one of the above things…(i will ask for the memory that is strongest within you) you can feel free to share this memory….or you can just state what it is in ONE WORD that consumed you….

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As I prepare for this next challenge…

after all this time of envisioning something in my mind, talking about it, building it up into this major undertaking… I am just 2 weeks away for inlayers – deuxieme partie. This online interactive dance creation is a next step up for me as a producer and a dancer.

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pre thoughts/feelings…

ok….so i want to say i will be writing this as i think and about how i feel during this process. i’m going to free flow all of these. like a journal….from me. so…now to get to the point.

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